Building A Resume



What is a resume?

A resume is a one to two page formal document that lists a job applicant’s work experience, education and skills.

Here are a few important details you will need when developing your resume:

  • Objective – Overview of your short-term professional goals and explanation of why you’re seeking employment
  • Education – Name of school, location of school, and name of degree(s)
  • Work Experience – Places you have worked and your duties
  • Achievements – Compliments from your employers, special projects you’ve worked on, problems you have identified and solved


  • Always do a Cover Letter
  • Make sure all grammar and spelling is correct
  • Always add a phone number that you can be reached on


  • Do not add Family on your Reference List
  • Do not use nick names

Sincerity Consulting Inc
275 Carpenter Drive Ste 309
Atlanta, GA 30328

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